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Digga D

Digga D
Digga D
Discography  (total 4 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Back To Square One (Bluuwuu Edition) - Digga D 2023 Back To Square One (Bluuwuu Edition) 16 00:43:38 320 100.16 Mb 2.58€
Noughty By Nature (Extended Edition) - Digga D 2022 Noughty By Nature (Extended Edition) 23 00:59:21 320 136.28 Mb 3.67€
Made In The Pyrex (Bonus Track) - Digga D 2021 Made In The Pyrex (Bonus Track) 13 00:34:15 320 78.6 Mb 2.08€
Double Tap Diaries - Digga D 2019 Double Tap Diaries 10 00:28:24 VBR-320 65.65 Mb 1.63€
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Rhys Herbert with the Digga D scenic nickname, is a British rapper and songwriter.
He began misical trip in the 1011 hip hop band, which was later renamed to CGM.
He was on of pioneers of the UK drill scene. Some of his music videos have garnered law troubles, resulting in a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) taken against the collective, and he has been jailed during the singles and videos' releases. Digga D was in prison three times before 20 years old!
He has had five singles that have placed in the UK Singles Chart and mixtape albums, "Double Tap Diaries" and "Made in the Pyrex", reached high places on the UK Albums Chart.

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