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Denzel Curry

Denzel Curry
Denzel Curry
Discography  (total 5 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Melt My Eyez See Your Future - Denzel Curry 2022 Melt My Eyez See Your Future 14 00:45:05 VBR-320 103.47 Mb 2.34€
UNLOCKED 1.5 (feat. Kenny Beats) - Denzel Curry 2021 UNLOCKED 1.5 (feat. Kenny Beats)
[Featuring Kenny Beats ]
8 00:21:40 320 49.76 Mb 1.29€
Zuu - Denzel Curry 2019 Zuu 12 00:29:02 VBR-320 66.69 Mb 1.89€
TA13OO - Denzel Curry 2018 TA13OO 13 00:43:20 VBR-320 99.49 Mb 2.19€
Imperial - Denzel Curry 2016 Imperial 10 00:38:40 VBR-320 88.76 Mb 1.74€
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Denzel Rae Don Curry is an American hip hop artist. During his career, Curry has already released several studio albums: Nostalgic 64, Imperial, TA13OO, ZUU, UNLOCKED 1.5 and Melt My Eyez See Your Future, which received positive reviews from music critics.
He is significantly influenced by Tupac Shakur and Buju Banton in his artwork. Denzel's work is characterized by gloomy lyrics, as well as a fast and aggressive manner of performance.
Curry began writing poetry in elementary school, and in 2011, at the age of 16, he released his first mixtape King Remembered Underground Tape 1991—1995. After graduating from high school, he seriously began to study music and recorded his debut album. Nostalgic 64.

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