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David Crosby

Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Here If You Listen - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 2018 Here If You Listen 11 00:45:07
Sky Trails - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 2017 Sky Trails 10 00:45:07
Lighthouse - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 2016 Lighthouse 9 00:40:31 320 94.8 Mb 1.64€
Croz - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 2014 Croz 11 00:47:05 320 108.52 Mb 1.97€
King Biscuit Flower Hour - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 1996 King Biscuit Flower Hour 14 01:14:21 320 170.44 Mb 2.67€
It's All Coming Back To Me Now... - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 1995 It's All Coming Back To Me Now... 10 01:11:07
Thousand Roads - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 1993 Thousand Roads 10 00:47:31
Oh Yes I Can - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 1989 Oh Yes I Can 11 00:42:25 VBR-193 58.53 Mb 1.72€
David Crosby & Graham Nash (Split) - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 1972 David Crosby & Graham Nash (Split)
[Split with Graham Nash ]
11 00:35:20
Graham Nash & David Crosby (2014 Remastered) - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 1972 Graham Nash & David Crosby (2014 Remastered)
[Tribute by Graham Nash ]
11 00:35:22
If I Could Only Remember My Name - David Crosby (Crosby, David Van Cortlandt) 1971 If I Could Only Remember My Name 9 00:37:49
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