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Charlie (Terry Thomas)
Alternative  /  Rock  /  Pop
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Elysium - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 2015 Elysium 14 01:17:51 320 178.48 Mb 2.71€
Kitchens Of Dstinction - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 2009 Kitchens Of Dstinction 12 01:02:19 320 142.95 Mb 2.27€
In Pursuit Of Romance - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1986 In Pursuit Of Romance 10 00:41:33 320 95.44 Mb 1.78€
Charlie - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1983 Charlie 9 00:40:18
Here Comes Trouble - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1982 Here Comes Trouble 18 01:06:36
Good Morning America - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1981 Good Morning America 11 00:43:00
Fight Dirty (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1979 Fight Dirty (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) 10 00:46:33 320 106.88 Mb 1.83€
Lines (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1978 Lines (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) 9 00:42:25 320 97.34 Mb 1.66€
No Second Chance (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1977 No Second Chance (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) 9 00:44:50 320 102.87 Mb 1.68€
Fantasy Girls (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) - Charlie (Terry Thomas) 1976 Fantasy Girls (Mini LP, 2011 Edition) 10 00:42:54 320 98.47 Mb 1.79€
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