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Charles Ives

Charles Ives
Charles Ives (Ives, Charles)
Discography  (total 6 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Charles Ives - Orchestral Works, Vol. 3 - Charles Ives (Ives, Charles) 2017 Charles Ives - Orchestral Works, Vol. 3
[Perfomed by Bavouzet, Jean-Efflam ]
10 01:10:12 320 160.93 Mb 2.1€
Charles Ives: Symphonies 1 & 2 (feat. Andrew Davis) - Charles Ives (Ives, Charles) 2015 Charles Ives: Symphonies 1 & 2 (feat. Andrew Davis)
[Featuring Melbourne Symphony Orchestra ]
9 01:16:46 320 175.84 Mb 2.05€
Charles Ives: Four Sonatas (feat. Valentina Lisitsa) - Charles Ives (Ives, Charles) 2011 Charles Ives: Four Sonatas (feat. Valentina Lisitsa)
[Featuring Hilary Hahn ]
12 01:06:20
Twelve Songs By Charles Ives (Feat.) - Charles Ives (Ives, Charles) 2008 Twelve Songs By Charles Ives (Feat.)
[Featuring Theo Bleckmann ]
12 00:58:48 320 134.78 Mb 2.23€
Charles Ives - Works for Piano - Charles Ives (Ives, Charles) 1992 Charles Ives - Works for Piano
[Perfomed by Watson, Eric ]
9 00:58:28 320 134 Mb 1.84€
Charles Ives - Klaviersonate 'Concord, Mass., 184-1860' - Charles Ives (Ives, Charles) 1989 Charles Ives - Klaviersonate 'Concord, Mass., 184-1860'
[Perfomed by Werner Bartschi ]
4 00:45:42 320 104.86 Mb 1.04€
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