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Cephas & Wiggins

Cephas & Wiggins
Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Richmond Blues - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 2008 Richmond Blues 16 01:05:34 320 150.37 Mb 2.83€
Shoulder To Shoulder - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 2006 Shoulder To Shoulder 12 00:51:12 320 117.46 Mb 2.15€
Somebody Told The Truth - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 2002 Somebody Told The Truth 13 00:49:15 256 90.33 Mb 2.14€
From Richmond To Atlanta - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 2000 From Richmond To Atlanta 12 00:53:50 256 98.71 Mb 2.05€
Cool Down - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 1995 Cool Down 14 00:51:29 320 118.07 Mb 2.41€
Sweet Bitter Blues - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 1994 Sweet Bitter Blues 16 01:05:08 320 149.45 Mb 2.83€
Bluesmen - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 1993 Bluesmen 16 01:11:01 320 162.97 Mb 2.89€
Flip, Flop And Fly - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 1992 Flip, Flop And Fly 12 00:39:49 256 73.16 Mb 1.93€
Guitar Man - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 1989 Guitar Man 8 00:40:10 320 92.08 Mb 1.5€
Dog Days Of August - Cephas & Wiggins (John Cephas, Phil Wiggins) 1984 Dog Days Of August 8 00:41:51 320 96.01 Mb 1.52€
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