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Carbon Leaf

Carbon Leaf
Carbon Leaf
Folk  /  Rock  /  Alternative
Discography  (total 16 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Indian Summer Revisited - Carbon Leaf 2014 Indian Summer Revisited 11 00:54:20 320 125.51 Mb 2.06€
Ghost Dragon Attacks Castle - Carbon Leaf 2013 Ghost Dragon Attacks Castle 14 00:51:38 VBR-289 101.64 Mb 2.33€
Constellation Prize - Carbon Leaf 2013 Constellation Prize 10 00:45:41 320 105.66 Mb 1.83€
Live, Acoustic... And In Cinemascope! (CD 1) - Carbon Leaf 2011 Live, Acoustic... And In Cinemascope! (CD 1) 9 00:43:49 320 101.2 Mb 1.68€
Live, Acoustic... And In Cinemascope! (CD 2) - Carbon Leaf 2011 Live, Acoustic... And In Cinemascope! (CD 2) 9 00:44:20 320 102.38 Mb 1.68€
Christmas Child - Carbon Leaf 2010 Christmas Child 9 00:31:59 320 74.18 Mb 1.54€
Nothing Rhymes With Woman - Carbon Leaf 2009 Nothing Rhymes With Woman 13 00:57:10 320 131.49 Mb 2.35€
Nothing Rhymes With Woman (Deluxe Edition) - Carbon Leaf 2009 Nothing Rhymes With Woman (Deluxe Edition) 15 01:07:13 320 155.68 Mb 2.73€
Love, Loss, Hope, Repeat - Carbon Leaf 2006 Love, Loss, Hope, Repeat 11 00:47:48 320 110.66 Mb 1.98€
Indian Summer - Carbon Leaf 2004 Indian Summer 11 00:52:01 320 120.3 Mb 2.03€
5 Alive! (CD 1) - Carbon Leaf 2003 5 Alive! (CD 1) 10 00:53:38 320 123.86 Mb 1.92€
5 Alive! (CD 2) - Carbon Leaf 2003 5 Alive! (CD 2) 11 01:02:43 320 144.69 Mb 2.15€
Echo Echo - Carbon Leaf 2001 Echo Echo 14 01:11:01 320 164.18 Mb 2.64€
Ether Electrified Porch Music - Carbon Leaf 1999 Ether Electrified Porch Music 12 00:57:29 320 132.91 Mb 2.22€
Shadows in the Banquet Hall - Carbon Leaf 1997 Shadows in the Banquet Hall 11 00:52:29 320 120.36 Mb 2.03€
Meander - Carbon Leaf 1995 Meander 12 00:49:12 320 113.94 Mb 2.13€
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