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Discography  (total 20 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Dystopia - Caliban 2022 Dystopia 12 00:47:55
Zeitgeister - Caliban 2021 Zeitgeister 9 00:32:06
Elements (Limited Edition) - Caliban 2018 Elements (Limited Edition) 15 00:54:56
Gravity (Deluxe Edition) - Caliban 2016 Gravity (Deluxe Edition) 14 00:55:44
Ghost Empire - Caliban 2014 Ghost Empire 12 00:48:06
Ghost Empire (Limited Edition) - Caliban 2014 Ghost Empire (Limited Edition) 16 01:04:28
I Am Nemesis (Deluxe Version) - Caliban 2012 I Am Nemesis (Deluxe Version) 12 00:45:23
I Am Nemesis (Deluxe Version, Bonus CD: ''Coverfield'', part II) - Caliban 2012 I Am Nemesis (Deluxe Version, Bonus CD: ''Coverfield'', part II) 8 00:34:08
Say Hello To The Tragedy - Caliban 2009 Say Hello To The Tragedy 12 00:49:59
Say Hello To Tragedy (Limited Edition) - Caliban 2009 Say Hello To Tragedy (Limited Edition) 14 00:57:25
The Awakening - Caliban 2007 The Awakening 12 00:45:11
The Undying Darkness - Caliban 2006 The Undying Darkness 13 00:46:05
Split Program II (Split) - Caliban 2005 Split Program II (Split)
[Split with Heaven Shall Burn ]
11 00:37:38
The Split Program II (Split) - Caliban 2005 The Split Program II (Split)
[Split with Heaven Shall Burn ]
11 00:37:38 320 86.31 Mb 1.86€
The Opposite From Within - Caliban 2004 The Opposite From Within 12 00:47:42
Shadow Hearts - Caliban 2003 Shadow Hearts 13 00:41:17
Vent - Caliban 2001 Vent 14 00:54:59
The Split Programm (Split) - Caliban 2000 The Split Programm (Split)
[Split with Heaven Shall Burn ]
10 00:31:52
A Small Boy And A Grey Heaven - Caliban 1999 A Small Boy And A Grey Heaven 15 00:41:44
Promo - Caliban 1999 Promo 3 00:09:36
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