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Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Welcome To The Zoom Club (A Tribute to Budgie) - Budgie 2019 Welcome To The Zoom Club (A Tribute to Budgie)
[Tribute by Bandolier Kings ]
13 01:16:31 VBR-320 175.46 Mb 2.57€
The Good Book (CD 1: Chapter One - Joyful Noise) (feat.) - Budgie 2014 The Good Book (CD 1: Chapter One - Joyful Noise) (feat.)
[Featuring Alchemist (USA, CA) ]
25 00:42:37
The Good Book (CD 2: Chapter Two - Sweet Sweet Spirit) (feat.) - Budgie 2014 The Good Book (CD 2: Chapter Two - Sweet Sweet Spirit) (feat.)
[Featuring Alchemist (USA, CA) ]
23 00:44:01
You're All Living In Cuckoolan - Budgie 2006 You're All Living In Cuckoolan 10 00:53:16 320 122.14 Mb 1.91€
The Last Stage - Budgie 2004 The Last Stage 16 01:01:32 320 141.34 Mb 2.79€
Deliver Us From Evil - Budgie 1982 Deliver Us From Evil 10 00:39:03
Nightflight - Budgie 1981 Nightflight 9 00:32:39
Power Supply - Budgie 1981 Power Supply 12 00:56:22
Impeckable - Budgie 1978 Impeckable 9 00:41:10
If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules - Budgie 1976 If I Were Brittania I'd Waive The Rules 7 00:36:08
Bandolier - Budgie 1975 Bandolier 6 00:34:20
In For The Kill - Budgie 1974 In For The Kill 7 00:41:34
Never Turn Your Back On A Friend - Budgie 1973 Never Turn Your Back On A Friend 7 00:42:19
Squawk - Budgie 1972 Squawk 9 00:38:51
Squawk (2004 Remastered) - Budgie 1972 Squawk (2004 Remastered) 13 00:52:25 320 120.21 Mb 2.29€
Budgie - Budgie 1971 Budgie 8 00:40:48
Budgie (2003 Remastered) - Budgie 1971 Budgie (2003 Remastered) 12 00:55:11 320 126.63 Mb 2.19€
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