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Michael Bolton

Michael Bolton
Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael)
Discography  (total 24 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Songs of Cinema - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2017 Songs of Cinema 10 00:32:41
Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2014 Ain't No Mountain High Enough 12 00:39:39
Gems: The Duets Collection - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2011 Gems: The Duets Collection 12 00:50:32
One World One Love - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2009 One World One Love 12 00:45:09
A Swingin' Christmas - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2007 A Swingin' Christmas 10 00:33:01
Bolton Swings Sinatra: The Second Time Around - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2006 Bolton Swings Sinatra: The Second Time Around 12 00:41:47
'Til the End of Forever - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2005 'Til the End of Forever 18 01:17:40
Vintage - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2004 Vintage 11 00:36:09
Only A Woman Like You - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 2002 Only A Woman Like You 13 00:50:44
Timeless Vol. 2 - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1999 Timeless Vol. 2 11 00:46:37
My Secret Passion: The Arias - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1998 My Secret Passion: The Arias 11 00:40:14
This Is The Time - The Christmas Album - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1997 This Is The Time - The Christmas Album 10 00:43:29
All That Matters - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1997 All That Matters 14 01:04:36
The One Thing - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1993 The One Thing 11 00:56:18
Timeless (The Classics) - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1992 Timeless (The Classics) 10 00:40:07
Time, Love & Tenderness - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1991 Time, Love & Tenderness 10 00:44:46
Soul Provider - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1989 Soul Provider 10 00:44:02
Everybody's Crazy - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1988 Everybody's Crazy 9 00:37:13
The Hunger - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1987 The Hunger 9 00:37:15
Michael Bolton - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1983 Michael Bolton 9 00:33:24
World's Apart (LP) - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1980 World's Apart (LP) 10 00:37:34
Blackjack (LP) - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1979 Blackjack (LP) 10 00:37:28
Everyday of My Life (LP) - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1976 Everyday of My Life (LP) 10 00:37:20
Michael Bolotin (LP) - Michael Bolton (Bolton, Michael) 1975 Michael Bolotin (LP) 11 00:43:04
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