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Bok, Gordon

Bok, Gordon
Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok)
Discography  (total 24 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Song Of The Lady Odivere - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 2013 Song Of The Lady Odivere 5 00:50:49 320 117.39 Mb 1.24€
Because You Asked - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 2012 Because You Asked 16 01:01:20 VBR-234 96.43 Mb 2.56€
Other Eyes - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 2010 Other Eyes 15 00:58:32 VBR-247 87.57 Mb 2.39€
Apples In The Basket - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 2005 Apples In The Basket 14 00:53:14 320 126.23 Mb 2.45€
Herrings In The Bay - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 2003 Herrings In The Bay 16 01:03:28 320 147.62 Mb 2.82€
Dear To Our Island - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 2001 Dear To Our Island 18 01:01:12 320 142.85 Mb 3.05€
In The Kind Land - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1999 In The Kind Land 15 00:50:14 320 118.84 Mb 2.54€
Gatherings - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1998 Gatherings 15 00:47:58 VBR-236 80.2 Mb 2.35€
Harbors Of Home - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1998 Harbors Of Home 15 01:00:37 320 141.18 Mb 2.66€
A Rogue's Gallery Of Songs For 12-String - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1996 A Rogue's Gallery Of Songs For 12-String 14 00:47:02 VBR-243 81.77 Mb 2.23€
North Winds Clearing - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1995 North Winds Clearing 15 01:03:11 320 148.11 Mb 2.69€
Schooners - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1992 Schooners 17 01:05:11 320 152.83 Mb 2.97€
Return To The Land - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1990 Return To The Land 17 01:07:25 320 157.84 Mb 3€
And So Will We Yet - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1990 And So Will We Yet 16 01:08:53 320 161.08 Mb 2.89€
Ensemble - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1988 Ensemble 13 00:50:40 320 119.81 Mb 2.29€
Fashioned In The Clay (LP) - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1985 Fashioned In The Clay (LP) 10 00:44:55 320 105.18 Mb 1.83€
A Rogue's Gallery Of Songs For 12-String (LP) - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1983 A Rogue's Gallery Of Songs For 12-String (LP) 14 00:47:02 VBR-243 81.77 Mb 2.23€
All Shall Be Well Again (LP) - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1983 All Shall Be Well Again (LP) 12 00:47:03 320 109.76 Mb 2.11€
A Water Over Stone (LP) - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1980 A Water Over Stone (LP) 11 00:41:51 320 97.11 Mb 1.92€
Bay Of Fundy - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1975 Bay Of Fundy 13 00:44:19 320 103.84 Mb 2.21€
Turning Toward the Morning (LP) - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1975 Turning Toward the Morning (LP) 12 00:46:54 320 110 Mb 2.11€
Seal Djiril's Hymn (LP) - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1972 Seal Djiril's Hymn (LP) 14 00:45:38 320 107.43 Mb 2.36€
Peter Kagan And The Wind - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1971 Peter Kagan And The Wind 10 00:46:22 VBR-232 77.06 Mb 1.69€
A Tune For November - Bok, Gordon (Gordon Bok) 1970 A Tune For November 14 00:42:13 320 99.19 Mb 2.32€
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