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Blind Boy Fuller

Blind Boy Fuller
Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen)
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Compilations, Remixes
1935-1938 Remastered (CD 1) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 2004 1935-1938 Remastered (CD 1) 25 01:18:14 320 179.6 Mb 4.15€
1935-1938 Remastered (CD 2) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 2004 1935-1938 Remastered (CD 2) 25 01:12:23 320 166.1 Mb 4.08€
1935-1938 Remastered (CD 3) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 2004 1935-1938 Remastered (CD 3) 25 01:10:51 320 162.59 Mb 4.06€
1935-1938 Remastered (CD 4) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 2004 1935-1938 Remastered (CD 4) 25 01:06:48 320 153.42 Mb 4.02€
Sweet Honey Hole - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1997 Sweet Honey Hole 14 00:40:26 320 92.81 Mb 2.28€
Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 1 (1935-1936) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1992 Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 1 (1935-1936) 24 01:15:05 320 172.38 Mb 3.98€
Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 2 (1936-1937) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1992 Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 2 (1936-1937) 24 01:09:25 320 159.41 Mb 3.92€
Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 3 (1937) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1992 Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 3 (1937) 22 01:03:54 320 146.74 Mb 3.59€
Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 4 (1937-1938) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1992 Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 4 (1937-1938) 22 01:00:04 320 137.94 Mb 3.55€
Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 5 (1938-1940) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1992 Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 5 (1938-1940) 23 01:03:14 320 145.13 Mb 3.72€
Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 6 (1940) - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1992 Complete Recorded Works, Vol. 6 (1940) 23 01:04:57 320 149.12 Mb 3.74€
East Coast Piedmont Style - Blind Boy Fuller (Fulton Allen) 1991 East Coast Piedmont Style 20 01:01:46
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