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Discography  (total 15 Compilations, Remixes )
Albums | Singles, Mini-CD's, EP's | Compilations, Remixes
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Compilations, Remixes
B'z The Best XXV 1988-1998 (CD 1) - B'z 2013 B'z The Best XXV 1988-1998 (CD 1) 14 01:03:20 320 145.26 Mb 2.55€
B'z The Best XXV 1988-1998 (CD 2) - B'z 2013 B'z The Best XXV 1988-1998 (CD 2) 14 00:58:21 320 133.92 Mb 2.49€
B'z The Best XXV 1999-2012 (CD 1) - B'z 2013 B'z The Best XXV 1999-2012 (CD 1) 14 01:01:28 320 140.97 Mb 2.52€
B'z The Best XXV 1999-2012 (CD 2) - B'z 2013 B'z The Best XXV 1999-2012 (CD 2) 14 00:56:45 320 130.14 Mb 2.47€
Flash Back-B'z Early Special Titles (CD 1) - B'z 2009 Flash Back-B'z Early Special Titles (CD 1) 12 00:55:18 320 126.86 Mb 2.19€
Flash Back-B'z Early Special Titles (CD 2) - B'z 2009 Flash Back-B'z Early Special Titles (CD 2) 12 01:00:01 320 137.62 Mb 2.25€
B'z The Best Ultra Pleasure (CD 1) - B'z 2008 B'z The Best Ultra Pleasure (CD 1) 15 01:10:21 320 161.46 Mb 2.76€
B'z The Best Ultra Pleasure (CD 2) - B'z 2008 B'z The Best Ultra Pleasure (CD 2) 15 01:02:34 320 143.67 Mb 2.67€
B'z The Best 2008 B'z The Best "Ultra Treasure. (CD 1) 16 01:13:14 320 170.5 Mb 2.93€
B'z The Best 2008 B'z The Best "Uultra Treasure" (CD 2) 15 01:02:22 320 145.48 Mb 2.68€
B'z The Best 2005 B'z The Best "Pleasure II" 16 01:11:06 320 164.54 Mb 2.9€
The Ballads 2002 The Ballads "love & B'z" 15 01:16:36 320 175.7 Mb 2.83€
B'z The 2000 B'z The "Mixture" 16 01:06:05 320 154.25 Mb 2.85€
B'z The Best 1998 B'z The Best "Treasure" 14 01:04:12 320 147.2 Mb 2.56€
B'z The Best 1995 B'z The Best "Pleasure" 14 01:03:18 320 147.17 Mb 2.56€
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