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Ace Frehley

Ace Frehley
Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley)
Discography  (total 14 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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10,000 Volts - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 2024 10,000 Volts 11 00:40:36 320 93.43 Mb 1.9€
Origins Vol.2 - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 2020 Origins Vol.2 12 00:46:34 320 107.01 Mb 2.1€
Spaceman - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 2018 Spaceman 9 00:37:07 320 85.17 Mb 1.6€
Anomaly [Deluxe Edition] - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 2017 Anomaly [Deluxe Edition] 15 01:08:47 320 157.86 Mb 2.74€
Origins Vol. 1 - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 2016 Origins Vol. 1 12 00:51:34 320 119.13 Mb 2.16€
Space Invader (Deluxe Edition) - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 2014 Space Invader (Deluxe Edition) 14 01:01:17 320 140.64 Mb 2.52€
Anomaly - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 2009 Anomaly 12 00:54:41 320 125.56 Mb 2.19€
The Other Side Of The Coin (Promo) - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 1997 The Other Side Of The Coin (Promo) 16 01:01:37 192 84.84 Mb 2.5€
Return Of The Comet - A Tribute To Ace Frehley - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 1997 Return Of The Comet - A Tribute To Ace Frehley
[Tribute by Various Artists [Hard] ]
17 01:06:25
Spacewalk: A Salute to Ace Frehley - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 1996 Spacewalk: A Salute to Ace Frehley
[Tribute by Various Artists [Hard] ]
10 00:40:09 320 92.12 Mb 1.76€
Trouble Walkin' - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 1989 Trouble Walkin' 10 00:44:37
Second Sighting - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 1988 Second Sighting 10 00:42:35
Frehley's Comet - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 1987 Frehley's Comet 10 00:41:30
Ace Frehley - Ace Frehley (Frehley's Comet / Paul Daniel Frehley) 1978 Ace Frehley 9 00:36:44
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