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Abe, Kaoru

Abe, Kaoru
Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫)
Discography  (total 17 Albums )
Albums | Bootlegs
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The Last Recording - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 2003 The Last Recording 2 00:16:08 320 37.04 Mb 0.45€
Derek Bailey &  Kaoru Abe - Duo & Trio Improvisations - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 2003 Derek Bailey & Kaoru Abe - Duo & Trio Improvisations
[Tribute by Derek Bailey ]
11 01:15:38 320 173.46 Mb 2.3€
Mass Projection - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 2001 Mass Projection 2 00:54:03 320 123.74 Mb 0.88€
Derek Bailey, Kaoru Abe , Motoharu Yoshizawa, Toshinori Kondo - Aida's Call - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1999 Derek Bailey, Kaoru Abe , Motoharu Yoshizawa, Toshinori Kondo - Aida's Call
[Tribute by Derek Bailey ]
3 00:40:03 320 91.71 Mb 0.85€
Kaoru Abe, Motoharu Yoshizawa - Nord: Abe Yoshizawa Duo '75 - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1995 Kaoru Abe, Motoharu Yoshizawa - Nord: Abe Yoshizawa Duo '75
[Tribute by Yoshizawa, Motoharu ]
3 00:54:31 320 124.86 Mb 1.01€
Last Date - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1989 Last Date 3 01:09:10 320 158.46 Mb 1.18€
Kaoru Abe, Milford Graves, Toshinori Kondo, Toshiyuki Tsuchitori, Mototeru Takagi - Meditation Among Us (LP) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1977 Kaoru Abe, Milford Graves, Toshinori Kondo, Toshiyuki Tsuchitori, Mototeru Takagi - Meditation Among Us (LP) 2 00:36:06 320 82.63 Mb 0.67€
Mort a Credit (LP 1) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1976 Mort a Credit (LP 1) 3 00:49:46 320 114.12 Mb 0.96€
Mort a Credit (LP 2) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1976 Mort a Credit (LP 2) 3 00:50:17 320 115.26 Mb 0.97€
Partitas-Unfinished (LP 1) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1973 Partitas-Unfinished (LP 1) 2 00:41:05 320 94.06 Mb 0.73€
Partitas-Unfinished (LP 2) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1973 Partitas-Unfinished (LP 2) 2 00:36:50 320 84.36 Mb 0.68€
Winter (Remastered 2004) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1972 Winter (Remastered 2004) 3 00:46:38 320 106.92 Mb 0.92€
Blowin' in the Wind (LP) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1971 Blowin' in the Wind (LP) 4 00:49:12 320 112.85 Mb 1.08€
Sombre Dimanche (Remastered 2002) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1971 Sombre Dimanche (Remastered 2002) 4 00:59:30 320 136.44 Mb 1.2€
Kaoru Abe, Yasukazu Sato - Acacia No Ame Ga Yamu Toki (Remastered 2005) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1971 Kaoru Abe, Yasukazu Sato - Acacia No Ame Ga Yamu Toki (Remastered 2005) 3 01:10:27 320 161.77 Mb 1.2€
Masayuki Takayanagi and Kaoru Abe - Gradually Projection (LP) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1970 Masayuki Takayanagi and Kaoru Abe - Gradually Projection (LP)
[Tribute by Takayanagi, Masayuki ]
1 00:49:00 320 112.17 Mb 0.69€
Masayuki Takayanagi and Kaoru Abe - Kaitai Teki Kohkan (LP) - Abe, Kaoru (Kaoru Abe, 阿部 薫) 1970 Masayuki Takayanagi and Kaoru Abe - Kaitai Teki Kohkan (LP)
[Tribute by Takayanagi, Masayuki ]
2 00:57:43 320 132.15 Mb 0.92€
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