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Fashawn (Santiago Leyva)
Discography  (total 14 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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The Ecology - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2015 The Ecology 13 00:51:24 320 117.89 Mb 2.28€
Champagne & Styrofoam Cups - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2012 Champagne & Styrofoam Cups 13 00:46:11 160 53.01 Mb 1.96€
This Generation (feat.) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2012 This Generation (feat.)
[Featuring Murs ]
12 00:45:04 320 103.36 Mb 2.08€
Higher Learning (Volume 2) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2011 Higher Learning (Volume 2) 22 01:04:23 192 88.69 Mb 3.3€
Grizzly City (Volume 3) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2010 Grizzly City (Volume 3) 18 00:56:19 320 129.31 Mb 2.99€
Ode To Illmatic (presented by DJ Green Lantern) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2010 Ode To Illmatic (presented by DJ Green Lantern)
[Tribute by DJ Green Lantern ]
11 00:39:20 192 54.14 Mb 1.7€
Boy Meets World - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2009 Boy Meets World 18 01:14:34 VBR-199 161.97 Mb 3.15€
The Antidote - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2009 The Antidote 11 00:22:51 320 52.52 Mb 1.69€
Higher Learning (Volume 1) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2008 Higher Learning (Volume 1) 21 00:51:52 192 71.52 Mb 3.09€
One Shot One Kill - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2008 One Shot One Kill 24 01:03:34 320 90.59 Mb 3.57€
The Phenom (Volume 2) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2008 The Phenom (Volume 2) 16 00:53:00 192 73.01 Mb 2.45€
Grizzly City (Volume 2) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2007 Grizzly City (Volume 2) 17 00:53:44 192 73.12 Mb 2.58€
The Phenom (Volume 1) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2007 The Phenom (Volume 1) 19 00:55:43 256 102.33 Mb 2.98€
Grizzly City (Volume 1) - Fashawn (Santiago Leyva) 2006 Grizzly City (Volume 1) 20 00:51:05 VBR-201 60.79 Mb 2.9€
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