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Skip James

Skip James
Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Hard Luck Child: A Tribute to Skip James - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2014 Hard Luck Child: A Tribute to Skip James
[Tribute by Rory Block ]
10 00:45:30 320 104.35 Mb 1.82€
Blues Masters Collection (CD 02: Blind Willie Johnson, Tommy Johnson, Skip James) - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2012 Blues Masters Collection (CD 02: Blind Willie Johnson, Tommy Johnson, Skip James)
[Tribute by Blues Masters Collection ]
20 01:04:26 320 148.07 Mb 3.34€
Yola My Blues Away (Digital Remastered) - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2009 Yola My Blues Away (Digital Remastered) 18 00:53:38 320 123.09 Mb 2.96€
1931 Sessions - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2008 1931 Sessions 12 00:35:05 320 80.56 Mb 1.96€
Hard Time Killin' Floor - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2005 Hard Time Killin' Floor 22 01:05:52 320 151.29 Mb 3.62€
Illinois Blues - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2004 Illinois Blues 18 00:53:01 320 121.67 Mb 2.95€
Today! - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2004 Today! 12 00:46:42 320 107.16 Mb 2.1€
Hard Time Killing Floor Blues - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2003 Hard Time Killing Floor Blues 12 00:51:13 320 117.45 Mb 2.15€
Legends of Country Blues (CD A: Skip James, Son House) - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 2003 Legends of Country Blues (CD A: Skip James, Son House)
[Tribute by Various Artists [Chillout, Relax, Jazz] ]
25 01:13:58 320 169.93 Mb 4.1€
Blues From The Delta - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 1998 Blues From The Delta 20 01:15:38 320 173.41 Mb 3.47€
Devil Got My Woman - Skip James (Nehemiah Curtis) 1968 Devil Got My Woman 12 00:49:35 320 113.63 Mb 2.13€
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