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Hoenig, Ari

Hoenig, Ari
Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Albums | Live Albums
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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The Pauper and the Magician - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2016 The Pauper and the Magician
[Tribute by Hekselman, Gilad ]
6 00:46:06 320 105.84 Mb 1.31€
Lines of Oppression - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2011 Lines of Oppression 10 01:02:43 320 143.8 Mb 2.02€
Threedom (split) - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2011 Threedom (split)
[Split with Jean-Michel Pilc ]
18 01:06:05 320 151.66 Mb 3.1€
Introducing Joris Roelofs (feat. Ari Hoenig, Aaron Goldberg, Matt Penman) - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2009 Introducing Joris Roelofs (feat. Ari Hoenig, Aaron Goldberg, Matt Penman)
[Featuring Roelofs, Joris ]
10 00:55:36 320 127.52 Mb 1.94€
Bert's Playground - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2008 Bert's Playground 10 01:04:45 320 148.41 Mb 2.04€
Joris Roelofs, Ari Hoenig, Aaron Goldberg, Matt Penman - Introducing Joris Roelofs - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2008 Joris Roelofs, Ari Hoenig, Aaron Goldberg, Matt Penman - Introducing Joris Roelofs 10 00:55:31 320 127.34 Mb 1.94€
Jazz Side Of The Moon (The Music Of Pink Floyd) - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2008 Jazz Side Of The Moon (The Music Of Pink Floyd) 9 00:55:27 320 127.08 Mb 1.81€
Inversations - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2006 Inversations 9 00:57:52 320 132.64 Mb 1.83€
Splitlife - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2006 Splitlife
[Split with Hekselman, Gilad ]
10 00:58:39 VBR-193 78.34 Mb 1.69€
The Painter - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 2004 The Painter 8 01:12:47 320 166.77 Mb 1.87€
Time Travels - Hoenig, Ari (Ari Hoenig) 1999 Time Travels 21 01:00:56 320 139.9 Mb 3.43€
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