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Gatton, Danny

Gatton, Danny
Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton)
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Funhouse - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 2005 Funhouse 10 01:02:52 VBR-320 146.3 Mb 2.03€
Oh No! - More Blazing Telecasters (split) - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 2005 Oh No! - More Blazing Telecasters (split)
[Split with Principato, Tom ]
7 00:52:59 320 122.14 Mb 1.52€
Portraits - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1998 Portraits 10 00:51:48 320 118.77 Mb 1.89€
Relentless (split) - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1994 Relentless (split)
[Split with Joey DeFrancesco ]
9 01:03:04 320 144.49 Mb 1.89€
Cruisin' Deuces - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1993 Cruisin' Deuces 12 00:56:48
Danny Gatton, Bobby Watson, Roy Hargrove, Joshua Redman - New York Stories (split) - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1992 Danny Gatton, Bobby Watson, Roy Hargrove, Joshua Redman - New York Stories (split)
[Split with Roy Hargrove Big Band ]
9 00:52:36
88 Elmira St. - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1991 88 Elmira St. 11 00:51:30
Unfinished Business - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1987 Unfinished Business 8 00:38:03 320 87.23 Mb 1.48€
Blazing Telecaster (split) - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1984 Blazing Telecaster (split)
[Split with Principato, Tom ]
7 00:52:03 320 119.65 Mb 1.51€
American Music - Gatton, Danny (Danny Gatton) 1975 American Music 10 00:39:23 320 90.34 Mb 1.75€
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