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John Wiese

John Wiese
John Wiese (Wiese, John)
Discography  (total 12 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
Size Check
Seven Of Wands - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2010 Seven Of Wands 7 00:50:35 320 117.69 Mb 1.5€
Portable Dunes (Split) - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2009 Portable Dunes (Split)
[Split with Yellow Swans ]
5 00:28:22 VBR-257 49.76 Mb 0.9€
The Void - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2009 The Void 4 00:19:23 160 22.22 Mb 0.63€
C-Section (split) - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2009 C-Section (split)
[Split with Evan Parker ]
4 00:45:53 320 105.08 Mb 1.05€
Dramatic Accessories - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2008 Dramatic Accessories 2 00:29:09 256 53.9 Mb 0.53€
Mental Peace Liberation Front (Split) - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2007 Mental Peace Liberation Front (Split)
[Split with Pain Jerk ]
8 00:42:12 256 77.38 Mb 1.43€
Soft Punk - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2007 Soft Punk 13 00:44:10 256 81.1 Mb 2.1€
Black Magic Pond - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2006 Black Magic Pond 12 00:28:21 VBR-273 49.22 Mb 1.81€
White Gold (Split) - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2006 White Gold (Split)
[Split with Cherry Point ]
2 00:35:21 320 80.93 Mb 0.66€
Bubble Pulse - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2003 Bubble Pulse 10 00:29:49 320 68.56 Mb 1.64€
Guilty Connector & John Wiese - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2002 Guilty Connector & John Wiese 6 00:52:20 320 120.03 Mb 1.38€
Collected Works - John Wiese (Wiese, John) 2000 Collected Works 8 01:10:28 192 96.89 Mb 1.52€
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