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Discography  (total 13 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Churches Without Saints - Desaster 2021 Churches Without Saints 11 00:45:58
The Arts od Destruction - Desaster 2012 The Arts od Destruction 11 00:44:18
Anniversarius (Split) - Desaster 2009 Anniversarius (Split)
[Split with Sabbat ]
2 00:06:53 320 15.85 Mb 0.34€
666 Satans Soldiers Syndicate - Desaster 2007 666 Satans Soldiers Syndicate 10 00:37:21
Angelwhore - Desaster 2005 Angelwhore 10 00:52:06
Sabbatical Desasterminator (split) - Desaster 2005 Sabbatical Desasterminator (split)
[Split with Sabbat ]
18 01:04:55 320 148.92 Mb 3.08€
Divne Blasphemies - Desaster 2002 Divne Blasphemies 10 00:40:29 320 92.9 Mb 1.76€
Tyrants Of The Netherworld - Desaster 2000 Tyrants Of The Netherworld 10 00:42:27 320 97.45 Mb 1.79€
Hellfire's Dominion - Desaster 1998 Hellfire's Dominion 10 00:46:25 320 106.39 Mb 1.83€
A Touch Of Medieval Darkness - Desaster 1996 A Touch Of Medieval Darkness 10 00:51:15 320 117.82 Mb 1.89€
Desaster & Ungod (Split) - Desaster 1995 Desaster & Ungod (Split)
[Split with Ungod ]
3 00:11:34 192 15.91 Mb 0.47€
Lost In The Ages - Desaster 1994 Lost In The Ages 6 00:25:48 320 59.53 Mb 1.08€
The Fog Of Avalon - Desaster 1993 The Fog Of Avalon 9 00:28:59 320 67.04 Mb 1.51€
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