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Jimmy Forrest

Jimmy Forrest
Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest)
Bop  /  Hard Bop  /  Soul Jazz  /  Swing
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Night Train Revisited (split) - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1999 Night Train Revisited (split)
[Split with Al Grey ]
10 01:01:30 320 140.95 Mb 2€
Heart Of The Forrest (split) - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1978 Heart Of The Forrest (split)
[Split with Scott, Shirley ]
5 00:40:28 320 92.83 Mb 1.11€
Black Forrest - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1972 Black Forrest 10 00:44:49 320 102.98 Mb 1.81€
Soul Street (split) - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1962 Soul Street (split)
[Split with Oliver Nelson ]
8 00:39:16 320 90.05 Mb 1.49€
Most Much! - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1961 Most Much! 9 00:49:08 320 112.73 Mb 1.73€
Out of the Forrest - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1961 Out of the Forrest 8 00:37:12 320 85.35 Mb 1.47€
Sit Down And Relax With Jimmy Forrest - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1961 Sit Down And Relax With Jimmy Forrest 7 00:41:44 320 96.13 Mb 1.39€
Forrest Fire - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1960 Forrest Fire 6 00:39:57 320 91.55 Mb 1.24€
Tough 'Duff (Split) - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1960 Tough 'Duff (Split)
[Split with Jack McDuff ]
6 00:39:02 320 89.45 Mb 1.23€
All The Gin Is Gone - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1959 All The Gin Is Gone 7 00:41:42 320 95.58 Mb 1.39€
Night Train - Jimmy Forrest (James Robert „Jimmy“ Forrest, jr., Jimmy Forest) 1953 Night Train 17 00:49:04 320 112.68 Mb 2.77€
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