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Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers

Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers
Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy)
Discography  (total 22 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Spare Keys - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2016 Spare Keys 12 01:05:10 320 149.38 Mb 2.31€
Extra Jimmies - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2014 Extra Jimmies 13 01:01:56 320 141.98 Mb 2.4€
Wide Open - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2014 Wide Open 12 01:12:28 320 166.1 Mb 2.39€
As Live As It Gets (CD 1) - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2012 As Live As It Gets (CD 1) 5 00:47:30 320 108.83 Mb 1.19€
As Live As It Gets (CD 2) - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2012 As Live As It Gets (CD 2) 4 00:46:29 320 106.43 Mb 1.05€
Feel The Heat - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2011 Feel The Heat 12 01:08:04 320 156.08 Mb 2.34€
Inside Tracks - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2008 Inside Tracks 10 01:01:48 320 141.71 Mb 2.01€
Solid Ice - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2007 Solid Ice 11 01:02:46 320 143.89 Mb 2.15€
In The Natural State - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2006 In The Natural State 10 00:51:04
Healin' Ground - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2005 Healin' Ground 11 00:41:26 320 103.98 Mb 1.95€
True Stories - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2003 True Stories 11 00:55:40 320 127.67 Mb 2.07€
We Got It - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2002 We Got It 11 00:52:55 320 121.39 Mb 2.04€
Whiskey Store (Split) - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2002 Whiskey Store (Split)
[Split with Tab Benoit ]
11 00:52:05 320 119.38 Mb 2.03€
Sinner Street - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2000 Sinner Street 11 00:50:38 320 116.11 Mb 2.01€
That's It (Split) David Raitt - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 2000 That's It (Split) David Raitt 13 00:53:33 192 73.67 Mb 2.06€
Partners In Crime - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 1999 Partners In Crime 11 00:50:04 320 118.67 Mb 2.02€
Switching Gears - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 1998 Switching Gears 13 00:57:47 320 132.56 Mb 2.35€
Drive To Survive - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 1996 Drive To Survive 11 00:45:44 320 104.88 Mb 1.95€
Wild Night Out! - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 1995 Wild Night Out! 10 01:00:59 320 139.9 Mb 2€
Trouble Man - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 1994 Trouble Man 11 00:44:06 320 101.52 Mb 1.94€
Sideways In Paradise - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 1993 Sideways In Paradise 10 00:41:04 320 94.2 Mb 1.77€
Empty Arms Motel - Jimmy Thackery and The Drivers (Thackery, Jimmy) 1992 Empty Arms Motel 10 00:46:21 320 106.26 Mb 1.83€
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