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Goran Bregović

Goran Bregović
Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran)
Pop  /  Alternative  /  Soundtrack  /  World
Discography  (total 22 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Three Letters From Sarajevo (Opus 1) (Deluxe Edition) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2018 Three Letters From Sarajevo (Opus 1) (Deluxe Edition) 12 00:42:05
Champagne For Gypsies - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2012 Champagne For Gypsies 12 00:45:24
Goran Bregovic's Karmen With A Happy End - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2007 Goran Bregovic's Karmen With A Happy End 15 00:59:04
Tales and Songs from Weddings and Funerals - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2006 Tales and Songs from Weddings and Funerals 13 00:45:27
Daj Mi Drugie Zycie - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2001 Daj Mi Drugie Zycie 10 00:42:25
Bitanga I Princeza (feat.) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2000 Bitanga I Princeza (feat.)
[Featuring Bijelo Dugme ]
9 00:44:54
Dozivjeti Stotu (feat.) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2000 Dozivjeti Stotu (feat.)
[Featuring Bijelo Dugme ]
13 01:11:14
Eto! Bas Hocu! (feat.) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2000 Eto! Bas Hocu! (feat.)
[Featuring Bijelo Dugme ]
9 00:41:08
Sta Bi Dao Da Si Na Mom Mjestu - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2000 Sta Bi Dao Da Si Na Mom Mjestu 8 00:35:14
Black Cat White Cat (Extended Version) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 2000 Black Cat White Cat (Extended Version) 30 01:19:56
Irish Songs - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1999 Irish Songs 15 00:59:41
Kayah I Bregovic - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1999 Kayah I Bregovic 10 00:39:46
Dugun ve Cenaze (Split) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1999 Dugun ve Cenaze (Split)
[Split with Sezen Aksu ]
10 00:44:03 320 100.97 Mb 1.8€
Black Cat - White Cat - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1998 Black Cat - White Cat
[Tribute by Soundtrack - Movies ]
20 00:59:15 320 134.38 Mb 3.27€
Thessaloniki - Yannena With Two Canvas Shoes - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1997 Thessaloniki - Yannena With Two Canvas Shoes 10 00:42:55
Silence Of The Balkans - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1997 Silence Of The Balkans 12 00:55:10
Underground - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1995 Underground 11 00:44:28
La Reine Margot - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1994 La Reine Margot 14 00:40:16
Arizona Dream - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1993 Arizona Dream
[Tribute by Soundtrack - Movies ]
11 00:51:14 320 117.53 Mb 2.02€
Paradextika (Split) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1991 Paradextika (Split)
[Split with Alkistis Protopsalti ]
10 00:41:13
Goran Bregovic - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1976 Goran Bregovic 11 00:37:01
Kad Bi' Bio Bijelo Dugme (feat.) - Goran Bregović (Bregovic, Goran) 1974 Kad Bi' Bio Bijelo Dugme (feat.)
[Featuring Bijelo Dugme ]
8 00:51:54
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