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Oliver Lake

Oliver Lake
Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver)
Discography  (total 11 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Eclectic Percussions Orchestra Invite Oliver Lake (Split) - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 2017 Eclectic Percussions Orchestra Invite Oliver Lake (Split)
[Split with Eclectic Percussions Orchestra ]
10 01:09:18 VBR-320 158.81 Mb 2.09€
Moving Right Along - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1993 Moving Right Along
[Perfomed by World Saxophone Quartet ]
13 01:00:58 320 139.79 Mb 2.39€
Oliver Lake, Donal Leonellis Fox - Boston Duets - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1989 Oliver Lake, Donal Leonellis Fox - Boston Duets 9 01:07:33 320 154.86 Mb 1.94€
Rhythm and Blues - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1989 Rhythm and Blues
[Perfomed by World Saxophone Quartet ]
9 00:39:59
Live At Brooklyn Academy Of Music - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1986 Live At Brooklyn Academy Of Music
[Perfomed by World Saxophone Quartet ]
6 00:46:56 320 107.54 Mb 1.32€
Live In Zurich - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1984 Live In Zurich
[Perfomed by World Saxophone Quartet ]
8 00:42:11 320 96.73 Mb 1.52€
Revue - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1982 Revue
[Perfomed by World Saxophone Quartet ]
9 00:44:33 320 102.22 Mb 1.68€
W.S.Q. - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1981 W.S.Q.
[Perfomed by World Saxophone Quartet ]
8 00:40:14 320 92.2 Mb 1.5€
Zaki - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1979 Zaki 5 00:56:39 320 129.8 Mb 1.3€
World Saxophone Quartet - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1979 World Saxophone Quartet
[Perfomed by World Saxophone Quartet ]
6 00:44:18 320 101.53 Mb 1.29€
Holding Together - Oliver Lake (Lake, Oliver) 1976 Holding Together 6 00:40:50 320 93.56 Mb 1.25€
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