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Keely Smith

Keely Smith
Keely Smith
Jazz  /  Pop
Jazz Blues  /  Swing  /  Vocal Jazz  /  Jazz-Pop
Discography  (total 13 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Keely Swings Basie Style...With Strings - Keely Smith 2002 Keely Swings Basie Style...With Strings 18 01:08:34
Keely Sings Sinatra - Keely Smith 2001 Keely Sings Sinatra 20 01:08:46
Swing, Swing, Swing - Keely Smith 1999 Swing, Swing, Swing 16 00:46:08
Sings The John Lennon - Paul Mccartney Songbook (LP) - Keely Smith 1964 Sings The John Lennon - Paul Mccartney Songbook (LP) 12 00:35:41 320 84.71 Mb 1.98€
Little Girl Blue, Little Girl New (Expanded Edition) - Keely Smith 1963 Little Girl Blue, Little Girl New (Expanded Edition) 14 00:40:09
Cherokeely Swing (LP) - Keely Smith 1962 Cherokeely Swing (LP) 12 00:28:21 320 65.13 Mb 1.89€
Twist With Keely Smith (LP) - Keely Smith 1962 Twist With Keely Smith (LP) 12 00:26:44 320 61.44 Mb 1.87€
A Keely Christmas (LP) - Keely Smith 1960 A Keely Christmas (LP) 13 00:34:04 320 79.33 Mb 2.09€
Together (LP) (feat.) - Keely Smith 1960 Together (LP) (feat.)
[Featuring Louis Prima ]
12 00:26:09 320 60.69 Mb 1.86€
Swingin' Pretty (LP) - Keely Smith 1959 Swingin' Pretty (LP) 12 00:33:02
Because You're Mine, with Marty Paich Orchestra (LP) - Keely Smith 1959 Because You're Mine, with Marty Paich Orchestra (LP) 12 00:29:40 320 68.19 Mb 1.9€
Hey Boy!Hey Girl! (LP) (feat.) - Keely Smith 1959 Hey Boy!Hey Girl! (LP) (feat.)
[Featuring Louis Prima ]
10 00:25:02
Breaking It Up (LP) (feat.) - Keely Smith 1953 Breaking It Up (LP) (feat.)
[Featuring Louis Prima ]
15 00:36:00 320 82.87 Mb 2.36€
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