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Nigel Kennedy

Nigel Kennedy
Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel)
Discography  (total 13 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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The Four Elements - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2011 The Four Elements 7 00:59:39
A Very Nice Album (CD 1) - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2008 A Very Nice Album (CD 1) 8 00:57:31
A Very Nice Album (CD 2) - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2008 A Very Nice Album (CD 2) 11 00:49:59
Polish Spirit - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2007 Polish Spirit 8 01:11:27
Blue Note Sessions - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2005 Blue Note Sessions 11 01:11:22
East Meets East (Split) - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2003 East Meets East (Split)
[Split with Kroke ]
14 01:05:12
Kennedy Plays Bach - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2000 Kennedy Plays Bach 12 00:58:49
Riders On The Storm: The Doors Concerto - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2000 Riders On The Storm: The Doors Concerto 9 01:07:28
Riders On The Storm : The Doors Concerto (feat. Nigel Kennedy) - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 2000 Riders On The Storm : The Doors Concerto (feat. Nigel Kennedy)
[Featuring Jaz Coleman ]
9 01:07:01
Classic Kennedy - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 1999 Classic Kennedy 20 01:19:15
The Kennedy Experience - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 1999 The Kennedy Experience 6 00:55:08
Kafka - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 1996 Kafka 11 01:08:40
Plays Jazz - Nigel Kennedy (Kennedy, Nigel) 1984 Plays Jazz 7 00:54:54
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