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Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford)
Blues  /  Alternative  /  Hip-Hop  /  R&B/Soul
Discography  (total 10 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Whitey Ford's House Of Pain - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2018 Whitey Ford's House Of Pain 15 00:44:38 320 103.67 Mb 2.47€
War Porn (Split) - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2017 War Porn (Split)
[Split with Sick Jacken ]
11 00:37:53 320 87.77 Mb 1.87€
The Life Acoustic - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2013 The Life Acoustic 12 00:45:06 320 103.48 Mb 2.08€
Songs Of The Ungrateful Living - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2011 Songs Of The Ungrateful Living 15 00:51:07 320 117.3 Mb 2.54€
Songs of the Ungrateful Living (Bonus) - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2011 Songs of the Ungrateful Living (Bonus) 6 00:21:18 VBR-259 38.01 Mb 0.97€
Love, War, And The Ghost Of Whitey Ford - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2008 Love, War, And The Ghost Of Whitey Ford 19 01:12:12
White Trash Beautiful - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2004 White Trash Beautiful 15 00:58:28
Eat At Whitey's - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 2000 Eat At Whitey's 13 00:46:02
Whitey Ford Sings the Blues - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 1998 Whitey Ford Sings the Blues 18 00:55:31
Forever Everlasting - Everlast (Erik Schrody / White E. Ford) 1990 Forever Everlasting 11 00:48:43
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