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Alternative  /  Pop  /  Rock
Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Big Society! - Chumbawamba 2012 Big Society!
[Tribute by Original Cast Recording ]
13 00:36:07
ABCDEFG - Chumbawamba 2010 ABCDEFG 17 00:44:35
The Boy Bands Have Won - Chumbawamba 2008 The Boy Bands Have Won 25 00:49:21
A Singsong And A Scrap - Chumbawamba 2005 A Singsong And A Scrap 13 00:42:32
Un - Chumbawamba 2004 Un 12 00:45:35
Readymade And Then Some - Chumbawamba 2003 Readymade And Then Some 14 00:55:55
English Rebel Songs 1381-1984 - Chumbawamba 2003 English Rebel Songs 1381-1984 12 00:27:20
Readymades - Chumbawamba 2002 Readymades 12 00:48:33
Wysiwyg - Chumbawamba 2000 Wysiwyg 22 00:47:40
Uneasy Listening - Chumbawamba 1999 Uneasy Listening 20 01:15:06
Tubthumper - Chumbawamba 1997 Tubthumper 12 00:55:00
Swingin' with Raymond (CD 1 - Love) - Chumbawamba 1995 Swingin' with Raymond (CD 1 - Love) 6 00:22:17
Swingin' with Raymond (CD 2 - Hate) - Chumbawamba 1995 Swingin' with Raymond (CD 2 - Hate) 7 00:24:14
Anarchy - Chumbawamba 1994 Anarchy 15 00:41:27
Shhh - Chumbawamba 1992 Shhh 11 00:45:29
First 2 - Chumbawamba 1991 First 2 18 01:09:00
Slap! - Chumbawamba 1990 Slap! 9 00:46:16
Never Mind The Ballots - Chumbawamba 1987 Never Mind The Ballots 8 00:35:32
Pictures Of Starving Children - Chumbawamba 1986 Pictures Of Starving Children 11 00:33:27
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