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Orgy of Carrion

Orgy of Carrion
Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood)
Discography  (total 19 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Thine Origin... Incest & Death - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2021 Thine Origin... Incest & Death 6 00:23:27 320 53.75 Mb 1.05€
Everlasting Blood Of Night MMXVIII - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2020 Everlasting Blood Of Night MMXVIII 11 00:31:48 VBR-272 59.6 Mb 1.73€
Pissmoon / Orgy Of Carrion - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2020 Pissmoon / Orgy Of Carrion 6 00:15:48 VBR-293 31.53 Mb 0.94€
The Dawning Of Post-Mortal Enlightenment (as Voyeur's Blood) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2020 The Dawning Of Post-Mortal Enlightenment (as Voyeur's Blood) 6 00:27:13 320 64.12 Mb 1.1€
Voyeur's Blood (demo) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2018 Voyeur's Blood (demo) 8 00:36:54 320 85.41 Mb 1.47€
Blood Washed Away The Grave Purity - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2017 Blood Washed Away The Grave Purity 2 00:40:27 320 92.59 Mb 0.72€
Orgy Of Carrion / Cremantur (split) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2017 Orgy Of Carrion / Cremantur (split)
[Split with Cremantur ]
6 00:20:45 320 47.66 Mb 1.02€
Within The Decadence of Subliminal Rot (split) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2017 Within The Decadence of Subliminal Rot (split)
[Split with Megalith Grave ]
4 00:16:22 320 37.54 Mb 0.71€
Obscured Ceremonies Under Hell Moon - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2016 Obscured Ceremonies Under Hell Moon 12 00:36:59 320 84.91 Mb 1.98€
Orgy Of Carrion (demo 2016) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2016 Orgy Of Carrion (demo 2016) 3 00:09:29 VBR-318 21.56 Mb 0.5€
Rehearsal II (demo) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2016 Rehearsal II (demo) 4 00:06:25 320 14.75 Mb 0.59€
Orgy of Carrion / Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect (Split) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2016 Orgy of Carrion / Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect (Split)
[Split with Unholy Vampyric Slaughter Sect ]
5 00:10:11 VBR-265 17.79 Mb 0.74€
Atel / Orgy of Carrion (Split) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2015 Atel / Orgy of Carrion (Split)
[Split with Atel ]
5 00:27:08 320 62.19 Mb 0.96€
Everlasting Blood of Night - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2015 Everlasting Blood of Night 9 00:20:54 320 47.98 Mb 1.41€
Funeral Long Awaited (demo) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2015 Funeral Long Awaited (demo) 4 00:05:56 320 13.65 Mb 0.59€
Perverse Homage to the Rotting Divine (demo) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2015 Perverse Homage to the Rotting Divine (demo) 6 00:14:33 320 33.47 Mb 0.95€
Rehearsal I - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2015 Rehearsal I 4 00:08:03 320 18.49 Mb 0.61€
Untitled Tape (demo) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2015 Untitled Tape (demo) 1 00:01:25 320 3.26 Mb 0.15€
Orgy of Carrion (demo) - Orgy of Carrion (Voyeur's Blood) 2014 Orgy of Carrion (demo) 5 00:12:12 320 28.02 Mb 0.79€
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