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Brecon Baroque

Brecon Baroque
Brecon Baroque
Discography  (total 7 Albums )
Cover Year Title Tracks Length Bitrate,
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Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni (feat. Brecon Baroque) - Brecon Baroque 2018 Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni (feat. Brecon Baroque)
[Featuring Podger, Rachel ]
21 01:15:20 320 172.89 Mb 3.59€
Grandissima Gravita (feat. Brecon Baroque) - Brecon Baroque 2017 Grandissima Gravita (feat. Brecon Baroque)
[Featuring Podger, Rachel ]
16 01:08:49 320 157.83 Mb 2.87€
Bach J. S.: The Art of Fugue (feat. Rachel Podger) - Brecon Baroque 2016 Bach J. S.: The Art of Fugue (feat. Rachel Podger)
[Featuring Podger, Rachel ]
18 01:11:02 320 162.9 Mb 3.15€
A.Vivaldi: L'Estro Armonico (Violin Concertos) (CD 1) (feat. Brecon Baroque) - Brecon Baroque 2015 A.Vivaldi: L'Estro Armonico (Violin Concertos) (CD 1) (feat. Brecon Baroque)
[Featuring Podger, Rachel ]
18 00:44:51 320 103.09 Mb 2.86€
A.Vivaldi: L'Estro Armonico (Violin Concertos) (CD 2) (feat. Brecon Baroque) - Brecon Baroque 2015 A.Vivaldi: L'Estro Armonico (Violin Concertos) (CD 2) (feat. Brecon Baroque)
[Featuring Podger, Rachel ]
18 00:51:53 320 119.08 Mb 2.94€
Bach: Double & Triple Concertos (feat. Brecon Baroque) - Brecon Baroque 2013 Bach: Double & Triple Concertos (feat. Brecon Baroque)
[Featuring Podger, Rachel ]
12 01:05:18 320 149.72 Mb 2.31€
J.S. Bach:: Violin Concertos (feat. Brecon Baroque) - Brecon Baroque 2010 J.S. Bach:: Violin Concertos (feat. Brecon Baroque)
[Featuring Podger, Rachel ]
12 00:51:30 320 118.15 Mb 2.15€
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