Title track Forever Comes To An End starts the Bjorn Riis - Forever Comes To An End album with an unrestrained drive, filled with emotions and thoughts. With the introduction of the vocal music calms down, then passes into a soft sensual ballad. But the energetic drive does not back down, entering in competition of violent power and thoughtful reflections with vocals. With varying success, instrumental motifs and vocals alternately dominate the musical image - but the vocals eventually wins.
For the vocal competition with the instruments follows the howling of the wind and the calm, pensive piano that arranges the respite for those who were in the Absence. Then the guitar adds to the keyboard and several other samples.
The instrumental saga winds up the noise of The Waves, combining surf with pensive, restrained vocals and a piano. This charming, delightful ballad and then continues in the same vein, soft, melodic guitar riffs complement the sublime inspiring atmosphere, praising the musical image of the top.
Cosmic images creates fine Getaway intro, then the guitars complement the mysterious illusory essence. Then, without changing the main motive, the rhythm speeds up the pace, creating a sense of haste and impetuosity to unknown riddles. In the middle of the instrumental saga, the music arranges a calm and thoughtful refuge, after which the final rush gradually begins.
A soft, thoughtful and experienced instrumental ballad, reminiscent of a lullaby, brings Calm into the mood after hasty impulsive rushes. Guitars creates an alarming and thoughtful mood, indicating that Winter is coming. The singing lady complements the vocals with a romantic touch, warms from the inside out from the surrounding cold. In the instrumental part, guitar and keyboard solos create elusive ways of complementary, atmospheric and fascinating improvisations. Sensual, full of romance and emotions, making you remember all the past losses and failures, the ballad Where Are You Now completes the album, displaying the proportions of the motives and melodies that sounded in it - dropping the curtain to prepare for the next successful performances.