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We will find another path

February 20, 2024
Aevum (ITA) - Multiverse</a>

After a musical introduction, complemented by a progressive complication of rhythm and sound, The Pilgrim composition begins the musical path of the Aevum (ITA) - Multiverse album, bringing the vocal part to the foreground of the Spark of Life song, enveloping the narrative of the vocals tale in the twilight mystery of the musical veils that precede the more significant incarnation of the Tair dark musical tale.
The bewitching melodic introduction acts as an intriguing element in the solemn sound of the Black Honeymoon musical story, which continues with the rhythmic peals of musical pulsations of The Time Machine march, crowning the crests of musical waves with vocal phrases. The Cold Spot composition envelops the gentle melodies of the singing lady with sparkling veils of cosmic currents, which are cast aside by furious growling vocals and pulsating drive, rolling out the musical canvas for a procession of vocals diversity.
The emotional nervousness of music and vocals is intertwined in the joint unity of the Ulas song, captivating us into a dreamy mystery, which continues with the rhythmic pace of the Hopeless composition, combining a rhythmic march with echoes of forgotten fairy tales and shades of operatic female vocals, continuing this unity in the sound of the Fratricide composition, complemented by emotional coloring and echoes of doubtful expectations.
Hints of lounge music with vocals mystery are the introduction of the Wwiii musical story. Twilight mystery with shades of oriental motifs precedes an explosion of vocal nervousness, combining a battle march and echoes of fairy tales in the sound of the Seeds composition, retreating before the charm of the melodic ascension of The Garden of Mars song and the symphonic grandeur of the Cessate, Omai Cessate final instrumental composition.