The gloomy musical motifs significantly, leisurely and concentrated shrouded in dark haze, the Crushed Beneath The Tide vocals initially rises with deep phrases of harsh growling, intertwined with the musical twilight of the dark anthem, but then the vocals are transformed into dreamy tunes of clean vocals, complementing the gloomy hopelessness and dark sadness with romantic shades and romantic contrasts trends inherent in the Garganjua - Through The Void album.
Bright and sparkling guitar solo pierces gloomy musical covers of the Adrift song with rays of concentrated sadness, then inspired vocal phrases elevate the bowl of emotions and feelings over the twilight musical haze, in the final part complementing the vocal narrative with deep growling phrases, but preserving the atmosphere of saddened romanticism.
The title composition Through The Void continues the musical narrative, pumping up sad waves, in which the vocal part takes on a dominant role, alternating clean phrases and harsh, groovy phrases shrouded in inspiration, inspired by inspiration.
The album closes with A Distant Shore composition, full of hopes and dreams, in the vocal part the dreamy mood of clean vocals plays the main role, music fills inspiration and hopes, but sometimes it again and again envelops in the shades of twilight sadness, preserving the shades of night romanticism.