An intriguing twilight envelops with so mysterious haze of the Sand of Time Is Falling instrumental introduction, anticipating the stretching of the musical canvas of the Ov Mhurn - Twisted Thoughts of the Mist album.
But Death's Relief composition continues the mystery of mysterious calm music, weaving a fascinating lace of acoustic guitars and keyboards passages. The introduction of the vocal calls for the majestic mid-tempo march, which rolls in dense musical waves of concentrated drive, bringing the melodic charm of the musical passages of instrumental bridges.
The keyboard lines up the ascent of Forever Waiting composition, the vocals begin as a thoughtful clean, then alternating it from time to time with an emotional growling.
The introduction is fascinating with enchanting melody, then in a stubborn march the vocals come to the forefront of the This Is Carnage musical image, dominating in it with a severe and persistent growling.
Pumping a furious wave of impetuous drive after a soft keyboard intro the I'm Done song in the instrumental part returns to the intro style, after which it rushes again to the driving race. The final passages anticipate the development of instrumental composition Echoes, completing the anticipation of the entry of an exciting drive.
The music of the Defiance song weaves together a fascinating composition of epic fairy-tale motifs and fierce waves of harsh drive. The muffled whisper of clean vocals sets the epic prerequisites for the development of the Touched by Daemon song, but then growling emotionally and fascinatingly complements the musical tones. The dusky sacrament of The New Master song fascinates with obscure intrigue, creating the mysteriousness of twilight haze. A fascinating organ solo, recreating the spiritualistic sacrament of an enchanting symphony sets the path for the Li(F)E track's main motive, vocals complements the symphonic shades of instrumental passages. Shouting out a death wishes, the vocals intrigues with the development of the Die or Linger composition, but then the swift drive takes the screaming vocal phrases into unknown fairy-tale spaces. Dead's Breath instrumental outro completes the album with so mysterious symphony.