The title track of the Bodyfarm - Dreadlord album explodes in a rampant stream of frantic drive, before entering the vocals thoughtfully preparing to continue the furious onslaught. The guitar solo of the Rites of Damnation intryo is entranced by bewitching vortices, then the musical passages encircle vocal phrases with adventurous pursuits for adventures. The narration of the Manhunt vocal part comes to the forefront of the rapid flow of music, commanding its direction and changes.
The mystical twilight envelops with bewitching musical twilight of the Woods of Dismay introduction, then the vocal brings swiftness to the music stream, breaking the ties of the musical mystery, striving to maintain the shades of mystery in instrumental bridges. We Sailed to Death pulsates with waves of a mid-tempo march, pacing musical passages following vocal phrases.
But The Horseman again races in a fast, unbridled rush, hastily enveloping the finals of the beats with swirls of guitar passages. The Eternal acoustic romance weaves the romantic lace of the chimes of two guitars, creating a kind of refuge from adventure, but Unholy Resurrection immediately explodes in a swift stream of unstoppable drive, entangling vocal phrases with threads of fast guitar riffs. But in the pre-chorus instrumental bridges, the banners of the dark anthem rise.
Giving the sound of the introduction a twilight mystery, Angelreaper then computes the axis of the main motive from its sound, riding on it with vocal phrases and twisting around musical passages. Forcing a bewitching dusk, Faces of Death deepens the vocal part, forcing the waves of a mysterious drive into the passages of a bass guitar. Then, starting with the drum roll of a combat march, the Undead Warmachine song ends the album with passions of a furious drive.