A demonic whisper utters vague incantations, as if uttering The Curse. Then the guitar and vocals build up waves of dense mid-tempo harshness, accelerating into an explosion of musical frenzy and vocal rage. The Beast of Rlyeh song immediately starts with a furious drive, thrashing the drums as if driving the true essence of the Evil Damn - Necronomicon album deep into the mind. The guitar solo of instrumental fragments completes the sound with melodic charm.
The monster rattle continues with playful motifs, complemented by a bright guitar solo and bringing a willingness to fight the monster in the ordeal of the Ceremonial Decimation track. The solemn march of the intro concludes with a frenetic musical thriller. However, then the sound of the Graveless Cadaver song again and again introduces variations in its mysterious sound. The bass guitar solo anticipates the development of the main part of the piece of music.
The main motif is combined with hammering beats, preparing the listener to meet the Darkness Will Remain incredible demonstration of musical frenzy. The Altares de Innsmouth track gives the vocal part a very peculiar lyrical complement, sometimes replacing the harsh growling with an emotional harsh vocals.
After an insistent, frenetic introduction, the Shaitan tale is transformed by the rhythmic meditations of the instrumental section, returning to a frantic drive with the return of the vocals. The title track Necronomicon sounds incredibly varied, like a separate musical creation, embodying an incredible variety of variations - hence it is the longest track. The album closes with a reinterpretation of the Christ Death (Sarcofago cover) song of legends of death metal music, indicating the source of this band's inspiration.