An intriguing introduction focuses on the mystery of musical forebodings, then lifts above the musical covers of the An Ode To Breakdown song the enchanting inspiration of vocal reflections. The Cold & Distant track brings shades of anxious anticipation and expectation, combining in the sound of the Hangman's Chair - A Loner album the expectations of different directions of thoughts and thoughts.
An intriguing musical mystery weaves together in a musical lace with subdued romantic vocal reflections to create an enchanting picture of musical unity, then transforms into the mesmerizing sound of the Who Wants To Die Old twilight anthem. The Storm Resounds romantic ballad with notes of light sadness captures thoughts and reflections with depth of sensuality and frankness of experiences and doubts.
The Supreme song brings the vocal part to the forefront of the compositional musical solutions, enveloping the vocal reflections in a mysterious atmosphere of soft musical additions. The Pariah And The Plague thoughtful musical composition brings the soft chime of the guitar notes to the forefront, complementing the musical musings with sensual vocal reflections.
The introduction of the Loner title track develops the musical passages of the leitmotif, then crowns them with a vocal part that sparkles with artistic inspiration and varied musical nuances. The vocal reflections of the Second Wind song enchant with wistful nuances in a dance with the musical additions, preparing the listener for the A Thousand Miles Away final composition of the album.