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The dungeons of vicious madness

December 17, 2022
Dagor Dagorath - Yetzer Ha'Ra

The majestic symphony of the introduction is complemented by an emotional vocals scream, continuing with a significant vocal unity in the majestic procession of the The Hell In Heaven solemn anthem, charmingly opening the musical gates of the Dagor Dagorath - Yetzer Ha'Ra album, artistically and inspiringly combining shades of various musical styles and genres in a progressive compositional pattern.
Without delay, expectation and preparation, The Devil On The Chain composition rises with a whirlwind of rapid drive, marking the entry of the vocal part with ominous laughter and then bringing threads of twilight malice and ominous echoes of dark charms to the lyrical constructions.
But the pensiveness of the musical reflections of the Heaven In Hell majestic symphony brings to the album reflections of philosophical reflections and majestic reflections, entwined with threads of melodic musical passages, supported by the unity of the symphony and the drive, which comes to the fore in the unity of musical severity and vocals anger in the lethality of a musical thriller, then supplemented by artistic vocals reflections in the contrasting musical palette of The Maze Of Madness composition.
The majestic passages of the epic fairy tale are complemented by the echoes of background sirens, combining mythical epics about past battles and the horror of modern military in the musical picture of the Vicious Circle song with sparkling notes of symphonic charm, anticipating the embodiment of medieval tales in The Call majestic march, stubbornly, confidently and measuredly performing in anticipation of the military proclamations of valiant vocals signs, pushing the vocal part to the foreground of the Wind Cry final composition of the album, complemented by impressive and exciting leitmotif passages.