The artistry of the guitar solo culminates in wordless vocal tunes and acoustic guitar strumming topped with the soaring charm of the guitar solo. The Contract vocals then complement those guitar passages with inspirational tunes, opening the Zuni Doll - Zuni Dollalbum's gates brightly and thrillingly. Developing the musical narration even more artistically and progressively, the In Dust complements it with blues and epic echoes.
Revitalizing the sound with pulsating energy the This Is How gives the musical passages an atmosphere of impatience and impulsiveness. Soft acoustic guitar and keyboard passages intertwine in a leisurely parade of the Indigenous Song romantic ballad, backed by a vivid vocal inspiration. The Nevermore crowns the majestic waves of musical beats with vocal phrases, captivating with the mesmerizing melody of the guitar solo of the instrumental part.
The bass guitar begins the introduction and sets a progressive mood for the further development of the Inside Out composition, then complementing the rhythmic fracture with vocal emotionality. The Gate begins with an acoustic guitar solo that creates the atmosphere of a bardic saga, then progressively develops into an epic tale. Developing even more charmingly the atmosphere of medieval musical influence, the Precipice ends the album by introducing the artistry of a keyboard symphony, then transforming into the intro of the mystical sorcerer's vocals with artistic musical variations.