Like cosmic rays, mysterious and obscure, invisible and impassible instrumental introductions Wake Up Call creates a magical atmosphere of pensive uncertainty, completing the beginning of the Lazy - Iconic Soul album with a wave of furious drive.
In an energetic party, partly preserving the notes closing the entry of the passages I Don't Care sets up an unrestrained entertainment. But before the instrumental part, the cosmic ambiguity returns, enveloping the simple, unsophisticated and confident music stream with a mysterious atmosphere, which then serves as a background for the mesmerizing guitar solo, which again appeals to fun and joy.
Discovering the deepest and most personal experiences, the ballad Love Poison combines emotional vocal phrases with symphonic keyboard motifs on the background.
A violent and unyielding drive Cry Your Eyes Out endures striving for freedom and will to the fore, like hot winds in the desert enveloping its hot, sultry atmosphere all around.
The title track Iconic Soul appears as so mysterious instrumental saga, during which the atmosphere of intro returns again, which is preceded by an unclear whisper on the background and completes the vocalise without words.
In the beginning, the lyrical romance envelops everything around by the mysterious atmosphere of Journey to Eternity premonitions, then the volatile waves breaks about the invisible rocks, albeit preserving the sound of a romantic ballad.
The song completing the album Temple of Vanidicus rushes into the abyss of cosmic romance, not holding anything ordinary and down-to-earth, sweeping a whirlwind of feelings and emotions.