Ancient chronicles about adventures of northmans Grimner - Frost Mot Eld Sons of the north with arms and ineradicable aspiration for the will convene Res Er Mina Soner. Started by northern tune, performed on the strings and flute, under the howling wind and the sound of waves in the middle this melody raises its might with instrumental and vocal support, but doesn't hade away. Drivin' tune simmering a while for the monologue that recalls sons of North.
Dance with a tambourine, incantation around the campfire before the upcoming battles Eldhjarta. Man-of-wars from North have be sufficiently prepared and set respectively for the upcoming combats - for glory or for Valhalla.
Well, the priest made rites and rituals - appeal and donation to Odin and Freya, Loki was propitiated. Northmans ready to journey in their warpath with the Nordmannens Raseri.
The notes of strings'n'flute and words are dansin' in the flow of Enharjarkvade, folk melody penetrates through ages and vocals transmits ancient tales.
Starts with the flute leitmotiff Midgard Brinner reborns into combination of flute tune, harsh growl with chorus ofn background.
Wind instruments, supported by keyboards begins the Vargarnas Tid. Fast, brisk parts replaced by methodical rhythmic pile driving in rugged Northern stones. Accordion completes that changes
Morkrets Hem dancing'n'jumping on the northern rocks and scald with flute helps not to slip and stumble from stones.
Fast'n'drive start of the Etter Och Flammor, gets and wakes, appealing to hidden and unexpected reserves. And when these forces accessed - it calms down, fades, slows down for flute and choral vocals.
Squad marching, drum sets the rhythm of that march, guitar riffs follows it, obeying the pace of intro Muspelheims Harskare. Then guitars and vocals steps forward and flute tune overcomes foreground.
Title track Frost Mot Eld completes that artwork. Opened by the monologue, tells northern legends and chronicles, then all instruments connected to the development of musical ideas to pave the way of the northmans till the end and complete it with dignity and glory. In order to ancestors in Valhalla are not ashamed - how descendants singin' sagas about them.