The intriguing mystery of the musical variations and the Entrance intriguing instrumental passages weave the enchanting lace of the ghostly haze of the introduction of the Dream Unending - Tide Turns Eternal album, continuing with the development of the motifs of the introduction to the sound of the Adorned in Lies song, giving the musical image an atmofer of sad solemnity and complementing the sound with the severity of the growling vocals, combined with musical variations in a charming dance.
Weaving the musical canvas of the main motif of the In Cipher I Weep sad musical tale then puts the vocals of the storyteller not in the foreground, giving in the sound of The Needful composition shades of distant hope and expectation of vague echoes and shades of help and support, consulting with the vagueness of conjectures and vague doubts about the realization of these illusory hopes.
Dominated in the introduction by the musical passages of the guitar solo, the Dream Unending self-titled composition of this group fascinates with the artistic variability of musical compositional shades and the variety of stylistic variations in the sound of this long and fascinating musical saga.
The enchanting Forgotten Farewell guitar solo serves as an introduction and preparation for the perception of the brooding romance of the Tide Turns Eternal title track of this album, which concludes it with a soothing calm atmosphere that draws you into the vastness of dreams and imaginary temptations.