The intriguing mystery of the Lunar Maniac intro of the Wormwitch - Wolf Hex album marks its sound, billowing with a whirlwind of rapid drive in the sound of the Canadian Denim Mountain Attack composition, complementing the musical haste with vocals doubts and reflections. The Wolves of Ossory song begins with the mesmerizing chime of a bardic tale, gradually developing and complementing its musical essence and carefully preparing the vocal introduction, which marks a musical acceleration in a furious pursuit.
The stubborn and rhythmic step then gains more and more musical shades, developing from them the diversity of the sound of the Hammer of the Underworld composition, followed by the mysterious obscurity of The Crimson Proof song, culminating in the acoustic chime of guitar strings and the melodies of bards. The Abracadabra composition develops the motifs of the previous bard ballad, complementing them with musical drive and vocal fury and continuing with the frenzy of the Leering Crystal Effigies musical thriller, in the sound of which epic and folkloric notes are performed.
The acoustic chime of the strings of the Grail track is the introduction to the final part of the album, in which first the Teeth of the Dawn song flies with a rapid whirlwind of unrestrained musical storm, then the Hit the Lights (Metallica cover) composition pays tribute to the legendary band.