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February 26, 2017
Overkill - The Grinding Wheel (Limited Edition)

Unyielding and merciless Overkill - The Grinding Wheel (Limited Edition) grinds all doubts, fear and pity in intangible ash!
Combining rhythmic structure of the intro with drive of hilarious verse Mean, Green, Killing Machine sweeps through space easily and naturally, bringing the energy to clear and rhythmic chorus.
Persistent viscous main motive attracted to these annoying and aggravating Goddamn Trouble, carries spirited boldness and courage neslomimuyu through the haze of everyday disorders.
Rhythmically striding Our Finest Hour developing stunning speed to join vocals, breaking the race by its breaking pattern.
Exciting riffs circling like eddies, carrying into the vortex of Shine On - thrilling composition varies shades of mid-tempo, capturing attention from the first to the last second.
Wondrous marvelous melody, combined with melodies mysterious elf is composed at the intro of The Long Road, continues the story of traveling bard about roads, obstacles, difficulties - which are can not foreseen, even after passing the road 1,000 times.
Viscous, unhurried and drawl starting Let's All Go to Hades transforms into light, lively and fascinating melody that ascends resistance and rebellion to a new level.
Rhythmic and rolling Come Heavy assertive, confident and jagged, leads its important and indisputable story without any altercations or doubts - approachs to the end as solemn ballad.
Stunning speed embodied in the Red White and Blue, rushing forward blindly and furiously, not noticing the obstacles without betraying the slightest doubt. Then the crowd of friends discuss their adventures in the nearest tavern - returning from it so fast as they can.
Tough, powerful blows are hammering rhythm at the accession to The Wheel, being carried by motives, combining melody and drive, that develops into rhythmic march before the guitar solo.
The title track The Grinding Wheel closes the album in its powerful lyrical romantic ballad breaks down barriers before the emotional stream, rushing torrent in the instrumental parts, accelerating the end of the composition up to the limit. But then returns to the ballad of dark gloomy chants that blend with the ringing of bells.
But the completion of the album delayed: original interpretation of old hit Emerald (Thin Lizzy cover) is presented to your attention.