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I must stay strong in spirit

November 14, 2021
Anette Olzon - Strong

Symphonic chorales create the introduction of the Bye Bye Bye song, anticipating the bright emotionality of the singing lady. Then, after an instrumental part with a bright guitar solo, the male vocals give a mood of some bitterness to the intro of the Anette Olzon - Strong album. The Sick of You track immediately voices its name, further complementing the sound with an atmosphere of musical detachment and rejection of the specified person.
The voice of the singing lady will mark the intro, then remaining in the shadow of a bright race of sparkling drive, but again changing the sound of the I Need to Stay symphonic composition after the final introduction to the musical narrative. The Strong title track combines an epic atmosphere and artistic melody, weaving lace of a fascinating fairy tale.
Electronic pulses give futuristic shades to the sound of the Parasite, then combining the dominant tunes of female vocals with background singing tunes. The Sad Lullaby musical symphony creates like echoes of the legendary song, partly reminiscent of it with its motifs, but the introduction of enchanting cues of the singing lady transforms the sound with a sad romance.
Rolling waves of restrained drive, the Fantastic Fanatic composition condenses the rhythm of the section, rolling waves of musical severity. The Who Can Save Them and Catcher of My Dreams songs develops the ideas of the previous track, crowning these tunes with a symphonic atmosphere.
The Hear Them Roar weaves music and vocals in a breathtaking whirlwind of hit composition, alternating female and male vocals in the vocal part. The Roll the Dice song concludes the album with a vivid unity of dubious verses and ascended inspiration in the chorus.