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Electric field attracts invisible magnetism

March 08, 2021
a/lpaca - In the Electric Fields (EP)

Leisurely meditation and soft musical coverings of thoughtful vocal reflection the Neighbours & Ponytails song's music begins the a/lpaca - In the Electric Fields (EP) album with a leisurely narrative, but then the You're so Pretty When You Cry track with rapid whirlwind of musical adventures complement the playful appeals of its vocals phrases. In the instrumental bridges, initially dominates the bass guitar, but then the music is wokering in the fascinating lace echoes of adventure impressions.
The Magnetic Fields music mysteriousness envelops a distorted vocal whisper with a fascinating haze, as if penetrating the space and time by invisible rays, creating the atmosphere of the sound of music 30-40s of the last century.
Alternating vocals and music in the foreground of the musical image, the Panic Panic Yeah composition again and re-emphasizes the name of the album in the chorus, tangling in the pulsating musical dance of instrumental bridges.
Completing the album of his longest composition, the Jughead introduces a spicy atmosphere of the Wild West prairies, the hot breath of the desert winds of the sprinkling sandstorm.