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December 20, 2020
Oceana (ITA) - The Pattern

The sound of the surf, the crying of a child are embodied in the Hiding Lies introduction, preceded by thoughtful thoughts of clean vocals, alternating with the harsh appeals of growling. But then the music raises the banners of fast-paced drive and furious harf in the vocal variations of the Oceana (ITA) - The Pattern album. The guitar solo of the Fall To Silence introduction takes you into the atmosphere of sad romance, weaving a mesmerizing lace of vocal variations, embodying dreamy tunes of clean vocals and harsh notes of angry growling. The Violet captivates with mesmerizing melodism, starting the vocal part with the harsh narration of harsh, then complementing the dreamy thoughts of clean vocals with progressive musical solutions.
Bringing the musical scene to life with the questioning guitar solo of intro, the Tragicomic Reality then exalts the banners of romanticism in a march of mid-tempo musical storytelling with rebellious harsh vocals. hipping up the waves of fast-paced drive A Friend song complements this race with shades of melodic charm, slowing down the tempo with the introduction of the vocal part to a mid-tempo march in a combination of growling and clean vocals. The Carousel track's clean vocals raise the banner of a dream, combining tenor with baritone in the vocals. The romantic ballad A Lament envelops with the charming musical atmosphere.
Lightening the sound, the Spoiled brings the vocals to the forefront of the musical image in dreamy meditation. The Atlantidea Suite Part 1 partly continues the musical style of the previous composition, but slightly accelerates the tempo and combines tenor and baritone in the vocal part of clean vocals in a more epic saga. The harsh sounding You Don't Know intro then reverts to romantic reflections with brooding phrases of clean vocals. Rethinking the The Unforgiven (Metallica cover) song of the legendary band in the direction of the usual creativity of this artist puts an end to the album.