The title track opens the Theosophy - Towers Of Dark Pantheon album with the symphonic charm of majestic musical passages, then combines them in a solemn anthem with inspired vocal narration, complemented by the dark grandeur of musical endings to vocal phrases. Rhythmic pulsations of a mid-tempo dark march roll with a confident procession of the fiends of evil, drawn by their dark master and his Curse Of Ak-Kadyn fairy tale.
Exploding in a frantic whirlwind of furious drive, the Where Thunder Reigns continues the album with the unbridled swiftness of a musical thriller. The Full Moon Triumph song retains the fierceness of the musical drive, but somewhat pacifies the musical tempo and crowns the musical narration with the crown of the musical melody of guitar solos.
Music and vocals intertwine in the musical grandeur of the Old Stone In The Woods epic saga, complementing each other with their inherent shades and charm. Keeping the echoes of the epic sagas in the sound, the The Sword Of Erlik brings the valiant echoes of the heroic northern sagas, introducing a progressive fracture of the rhythmic structure into the musical composition.
Wrapping the vocal narration in swift whirlwinds of ghostly guitar solos, the Even The Dead Cast Shadows song complements the music and vocals with distant echoes of a symphonic background, combining into a swift stream of musical drive, bringing epic grandeur with musical lace bridges and choruses, complementing it in the middle of the composition with the clear speech of an invisible sage. The From Eternity To Past closes the album with a mid-tempo narration that puts an end to the musical essence. But then the vocals call for an acceleration of the musical tempo, introducing a whirlwind of impetuous drive into the musical image.