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Not every telescope can see invisible cosmic threads

December 27, 2019
Galactic Mechanics - Esoteric Star

The pensive charm of boundless expanses inspires Haunted Eclipse vocals reflections, while retaining the artistic charm of encircling the vocal phrases of keyboard charms and raising this combination to whine with inspired passages of guitar riffs.
Entering vortexes of guitar solo experiences, Arcane Prophecy then weaves the sound of the main motive from these breaks, bringing up the vocal part on top of its disturbing experiences, combining screaming and growling together and sometimes separating their fragments, that variation greatly captivates the sound of the Galactic Mechanics - Esoteric Star album.
Returning again to the introduction to the keyboard symphony, Sol Specter then progressively develops the musical motifs given in the introduction into the intricate and bewitching lace of artistic musical variations, while maintaining a marked vocal unity. In addition, these variations of vocal styling are complemented by an emotional harsh vocals.
The instrumental suite Stellar Ruins completes the album with unhurried thoughts, twisting a cocoon of mysterious thoughts and enchanting with the mysteriousness of universal existence.
It should be noted that this year the group released another space-related musical artwork Galactic Mechanics - Lost Sector that will also appeal to sophisticated listeners.